You must report any issues regarding your order within 14 days of the package being scanned as "delivered" by your chosen shipping service. After that 14 day period, we can no longer assist you. Here is the list of issues we can resolve within 14 days. We aren't responsible for delays or issues with delivery.
1. Missing packages after being updated as "delivered": Please be aware if you open a ticket regarding this the same day the package was scanned as "delivered", we will ask you to wait one more business day for its arrival as it usually has been prematurely scanned.
2. Stolen packages: Please be aware that if you believe your package was stolen, we ask that you first contact your local authorities. You must either provide us with a new shipping address or agree to "signature requirements" for all future orders.
3. Damages to product(s) in transit: Please be aware that you must take a photo for us to verify any damages.
4. Missing item(s): Please be aware that we pre-weigh all our shipments with a scale connected to our shipping software. We maintain all records of weight to ensure orders have been completely fulfilled. If you suspect that you are missing an item, please thoroughly check the package and/or the area you opened the package (to make sure nothing fell out). If you still can't find the item(s), please promptly open a ticket with us and take a picture of how you received the package and the weight of the package (package and scale weight must both be visible).
5. We are committed to offering top-quality products to our valued customers. Since our products are used to make cosmetics, we do not accept returns or exchanges. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and purity of all our products, which is our top priority to our customers. No exceptions.
This includes:
- All the gloss bases
- Sodium and potassium hydroxide, essential oils, flavoring oils, liquid colors, soap bases, herbs, fixed oils, waxes, liquids, powders, butter, and all kits.
6. Issues with orders reported after 14 days can't be resolved and there are no exceptions to this.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
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