If you're reading this article it's because you've noticed that some of our fantastic colors are "ok for use" on eyes, but not lips (and vice versa...). This is especially true if you're a cosmetic creator based in the United States. The European Union seems to be much more lax on what can be used in cosmetics (and eaten?).
Even if a pigment is cosmetic grade, there are certain ingredients which aren't the best for lips. Why? Because those ingredients have an extremely high chance of being ingested. Cosmetics like lip stick are worn externally, but as many of you know, it can get everywhere. This includes the inside of your mouth. Ever heard of that statistic that people who wear lip stick may consume up to 9 lbs of it within their lifetime?
Moving on-- as pretty as our colors are, it's not always the best to eat them. This is why some pigments are "ok for use" on eyes and NOT lips. For example, our TKB Flame is an incredibly unique, shiny pigment which has aluminum powder in it. That powder is a shine booster. However, even though it is safe to use on external parts of our bodies such as our eye-lids, it's not the best when it travels inside us.
The FDA has created a table for color additives and which ingredients are good to go for eyes and/or lips. Please click here to check it out!
If you have any questions regarding, always feel free to reach out to our wonderful customer service team by submitting a ticket.
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